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Making Levels .. and more. Blog
13th January 2016


Took ages making the first few proper levels of this week's game.


The difficulty comes from three areas.
1. I haven't quite finished the rest of the game, so every time I add a new element to a level, I then have to spend an hour adding that element to the game!
2. I need to test each level multiple times, due to the way I made the frontend of the game.
3. I haven't properly built levels in a long long long long time!!!

So, yeah, it's slow progress. But I still have the rest of the week to go, and things oughta be nice and sorted by next Tuesday.
.. I hope!

Daily Doodle : A Whole New World

Platdude's set sail for a new land.
I wonder where he'll end up!?


Today's mail comes from Dave Parker

You?ve made one or two doohickeys that are Android TV compatible. Any reason they?re not on Google Play?

Dave Parker

Every Tuesday, I need to post to..

1. AGameAWeek Blog : I've set this up so it can use any art size, so screenshots and icons and things tend to "Just Work"
2. My Archive : Ditto.
3. Socoder : Ditto
4. GameJolt : I didn't code this, so it needs pre-rendered art at pre-selected ratios/sizes. A Header (image with your game's logo) and 4x screenshots.
5. OUYA : I didn't code this, so it needs pre-rendered art at pre-selected ratios/sizes. A Title Card (screenshot with logo over the top) and 4 screenshots.
6. GameStick. I didn't code this, so it needs pre-rendered art at pre-selected ratios/sizes. 4 Screenshots, then 4 different sized Thumbnails because ... *shrugs And their server is slow as shit, and it takes forever to upload each and every one.

And if I want to upload to Apple, I need about 10 different sized icons and 7 different sized copies of each and every screenshot.
.. And I wish to god I was over-exaggerating, there... iPhone, iPad, iPhone Retina, iPad Retina, iPhone "Tall", iPad "Pro"
.. Oh, and if your game does Portrait AND Landsccape.. Double that number!!
Icons also need "Notification sized icon", EVEN IF YOU DON'T USE NOTIFICATIONS!!!!

Bloody Apple..

Anyway, basic gist is, SOD THAT!! I do enough every single week, and that's plenty.
I swear, I need someone here to help with all of this.. I do WAY too much, single handedly, every single week!! but.. Meh, what can you do!?
If you'd like to grab my AndroidTV .apk's and try sideloading them to your device of choice, you can grab them here.

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Making Levels .. and more. - AGameAWeek