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Panic!! Blog
1st March 2016


Oh dear, this week's game still isn't 100% done!


I've yet to have uploaded the OUYA edition.
.. In fact, I haven't even turned the OUYA on, yet, this week.
I'll be doing that shortly, testing, ensuring all is well, then uploading to both OUYA and PlayJam.
Things have certainly come off the rails, this week.
Hopefully next week's game will be a little less chaotic.

*fingers crossed*

I hope you enjoy Panic Squares.. It's a teensy bit rushed, but at least it's not a standard boring Match-3.

Daily Doodle : On the Surface

Platdude raises the submarine to surface level, and pokes his head out for a nosey.
Nope.. Not there yet...


Today's mail comes from TonyTheTGR

Well, you could always make a musical/notechart kind of game. It's not a difficult premise, and you could easily make a good scoring system. Heck, if it can read your visual-spacial composition format, you have any idea how huge this game would be, with zero effort on your part?


I'd LOVE to do something with music involved in the gameplay, but unfortunately it's getting more and more difficult the more time passes.
Streaming Audio isn't 100% in time. when you say "Start the Choon", it goes "Um, OK, hang on!!" and fumbles about trying to start the audio. On Windows and HTML targets it does this in the background, so there's a short gap before it starts, and with HTML it takes slightly longer because the music track needs to be streamed via the net.
On OUYA and PlayJam targets, it seems that there's a marginal 2 or 3 frame stutter as the track starts playing.
On iOS, I think it's doing the same "Taking it's time" that the Windows version does, but I'm not 100% sure.
All these things together, mean it's damn near impossible to get game and music synced up properly.

It's a shame, but .. It just doesn't work.
You're probably thinking, though, "Hey, Jay, didn't you make a Music Engine? Won't that work?"

To which I say this...

Listen to the music.....

Note that the gameplay isn't slowed down, the rest of the audio isn't slowed down.
The only thing that's slowed is the music's timing, and I have NO IDEA why that might be.

At the moment, that's an unfixable issue, and until I can figure out exactly what's going on with the engine, I can't very well use it to make a wonderful music game.
Which is a shame.
Bah, humbug!


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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