New games every week!
About? Blog
13th March 2016


Yesterday's doings : Additional work on this week's game, and a couple of bland looking info-pages..


The other day I posted a link on the Monkey forum, and people complained that my site didn't have an "About" page.
Apparently having the site be called "AGameAWeek", and having the site's content being a fuckton of games, and having the blog post about a new game every week isn't enough, and I need to spell it out for some people.
As such, there's now a vaguely more interesting About page on the site, alongside an About Me page and even a page dedicated to what Tools I use.

Hopefully that should keep everyone happy, but if you'd like to know more things about other things, then do let me know what other things I should be abouting about.

Meanwhile, this week's game continues at a leisurely pace. I'm not 100% sure I'm going to get it all done in time, but it currently looks something like this.


Which, I'm sure you'll agree, is .. something!

Daily Doodle : Gone Karting

Platdude's taken some of the Junior Platizens to the Go Kart track.
They're all having fun going round and round, but Platdude's having to be careful, as some of the drivers aren't very good at avoiding obstacles!

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Daily Blog
New games every week!
Site credits : Site built from the ground up, in php, using Programmer's Notepad 2, and a very bored Jayenkai.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 96

Blog - About? - AGameAWeek