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A Game from Start to Finish Blog
15th March 2016


As well as the current project, last night I decided to attempt a secondary project..


Here's roughly what happened.
About 6:30, I had an idea for a game.
"Hmm.. That could work. I should definitely do that!!" I thought.
I started the new project, wondering which of my characters to use.
I quickly created a set of temporary art (Boxes!!!) for testing.
By 7:00 I had a vague test engine up and running, and all was going well.


Next, I added a second player, because this game needs that.
I tested player two, and all was going well.
The project seemed like it was on a roll!


Then I remembered something.
During my attempts at getting my games working on PlayJam devices, it turned out that something, somewhere, was breaking my multiplayer code, when using Bluetooth for additional controllers.
On OUYA it doesn't seem to be a problem. I'm guessing they're using something more than just Bluetooth, but on other Android devices, my multiplayer code slows to a crawl when trying to play with more than one player.

By about 7:45 I was cursing this limitation, and then at 8:00 I scrapped the whole thing, and instead ordered myself a Pizza, because I was so frustrated with the issues.


Daily Doodle : Beam Me Down

Platdude's ready to take on whatever comes at him on the planet.

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - A Game from Start to Finish - AGameAWeek