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Looking for Beta Testers.. Blog
9th October 2011
At the moment, I'm sending occasional beta editions of NeonPlat Adventures to two people.
One is AuthenticKaizen (/PixelProspector).
He got instant beta-status, because he started the whole NeonPlat thing.
This is all his fault!!
I've been sending him little hidden youtube clips, occasional "New Stuff!" screenshots, and discussing possibilities with him.

The other is Spinal (/Spinal Cord) who recently redid SpikeDislike as Nintendo DS Homebrew.
Spinal and I tend to think and code the same. We're both on the same level of "New style coding" hatred, so we often share our new stuff.
Great coder!
So, he gets to play, too, just incase he comes up with a random idea that I hadn't considered!

It's very rare that I have time to be sending betas, getting bug reports and things like that. It's a fun ride that NeonPlat's taking me on! (uhoh!!!)

So, we're now coming up to Month 2 of development. (yikes, all this in only a month!?)
As I continue to add new features, it's becoming harder to decide whether things are hard anymore.
I've gotten so used to playing the game that I'm not sure what's "too" hard, or even if things are just mind-numbingly easy.
I need more beta folk!

I'm after 3 or 4 people to join in with my little secret building adventure.
A little cleanup's in order, first, and then at some point during the week (perhaps Friday?) I'll be sending out the beta edition.

Once you're in the "beta program", (hahah!!! look at me, using shitty marketing phrases!) you're merely expected to have a darned good play!
About 20 minutes playtime should be enough for a "too easy/too hard/just right" decision.
There a "thing" that you'll see immediately, which should help you realise the dilemma I'm currently in.
I won't be going into it much more than that, but suffice to say, I'm in a bit of a pickle with this one.
The difficulty level is the important bit.

If you then want to carry on playing, and scoring, and having a wail of a time, then you can do that, with the understanding that the final version will unfortunately reset all your scores. (because everything's pseudo-random, and there's not a cat in hell's chance that I can guarantee the levels will end up being the same!)
Bug reports may be sent, but aren't necessary.

If you want to join in, either let me know on Twitter (@Jayenkai or via email (Jayenkai, and I'll stick your name on the list if there are any slots left open.
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Blog - Looking for Beta Testers.. - AGameAWeek