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Still Needs Posting! Blog
10th May 2016


The game's ready, but I'm being a lazy bugger!


The game was finished about 3pm, yesterday, and was sent to OUYA for Review.
Amazingly, somehow, the game managed to get through review within just 3 and a half hours, and was released to OUYA by about half 6.
Unbelievable! Fastest review, EVER!!

.. Which speaks volumes for how quickly this week's game was cobbled together!

I've not done all the asset uploading and stuff, yet, though. That'll be slowly done over the next hour or so, so expect the game to be popping up shortly.

Meanwhile, it's on to the next project.
I'm still battling to make a decent Puzzobomb Level Generator, and it's proving to be insanely difficult to get into working order without everything looking "too" random.
Aw well, carry on.. Something's bound to happen, right?!

Daily Doodle : Getting my Skates On

After a busy week, Platdude's looking forward to being able to relax and have a nice skate around the discotheque's floor.


As I settled down into my bed,
and slowly rested down my head.
I checked my email for the night..
A giant moth flew towards the light!!


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Still Needs Posting! - AGameAWeek