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27th May 2016

The Tribunal

Yesterday's Tribunal went alarmingly well..


My disability hearing was yesterday.
They took my disability pay off me, back in January, and I had to wait until the end of May before the Tribunal.

I was expecting a fight.

I'd spent most of the past few months having those little arguments inside my head, coming up with things to say on the day, and preparing myself for the biggest fight of my life.
I was ready.
I was prepped.
I was good to go.

We got there, and waited about half an hour in the waiting room.
The Welfare lady was there, and we chatted more about how complicated and difficult the next few hours were going to be.
Everything would be questioned, and I wasn't to downplay my health issues. (Which I have a habit of doing!!)
Every little thing counts in these fights.
And then we were led into a small room with the tribunal folk sat around a large desk.

We sat down.
I was in a fighting mood!!

And then, in the space of about 5 minutes, they basically told me how it was bleeding obvious that I was having movement issues, that the recent assessment was obviously incorrect, and that I would very easily be getting my disability pay back.

And that was it.

Five minutes.
Done and dusted.

Months of stress all flushed away in an instant.

I've got my disability back.
I'm back to being broken.
All ends well.
My case is over, or at least it is until the next battle.
For now I'm back to "just" writing a brand new game every single week.

I think I was spectacularly lucky to be seen by a group of people who could see my issues.
And I also think I was lucky that I wasn't having a good health-day yesterday, either. My balance was a little less stable than on a good day.
That probably helped quite a bit, as I was stumbling about quite a bit!

But it's over.
And I'm glad.

The amount of stress that's disappeared overnight is staggering.

If you're fighting for your own disability, and you need to go to a tribunal, I can honestly say that it's worth it. FIGHT for what's rightfully yours.
Your battle might not be as swift and painless as mine was, but it's better to fight than to simply give up.
There may not be extra-lives in this world, but as long as you dare to fight, there's always another credit to let you continue your game...

Daily Doodle : Trusty Steed

Platdude rides atop his favourite steed. Quite how the harness works underground is anyone's guess, but PlatWorld is full of crazy videogame logic, so it's probably best not to ask.


They sent the wrong pills again.
It happens every time.
Each month I complain
for the pills that are mine.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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