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Other Things Blog
20th July 2016


I'm starting to get the feeling that my mind doesn't want to bother with the HERO remake.


Yesterday, over on the Patreon site, our favourite Patreon suggested that it might be nice to have Linux compilations.
So, I downloaded Ubuntu, and installed it via VirtualBox, and then prepared to get Monkey installed.
I spent a good half-hour or so trying to access my NAS drive, only to read online that you need a secondary "Guest Additions" install before you can do such a thing.
Once I finally got Monkey's zip unzipped, I then tried to run it.
.. Oh, FFS..

Suffice to say, that didn't go well.


Rather than pull my hair out, I opted to close the thing, and attempt another small side-project.
A very long time ago, a PHP update broke Socoder's ? sign. For some really bizarre reason, preg_replace, str_replace and other such things will return an empty string is there's a ? sign in there.
I rejigged the site, back then, so that ?'s get converted to an alternative code, and that makes new posts work pretty well.
But OLD posts were still broken. I decided that a "Whenever I have time" approach would be good enough.

Yesterday, I finally got around to it.
I spent about 3 smegging hours (no lie!) trying to get old posts to show up properly, before deciding it'd probably just be easier to go into the database, find all the ?'s, and replace them my-bloody-self.

So that's what I ended up doing.
Took absolutely ages to get it all done, but you can now look back on topics from the late 2000's, and they show up the way they're supposed to.

... So much for a "quick" fix!

Daily Doodle : Loving the Coaster

This is Platdude's fifth ride, this morning, and it's not even 10AM yet!


There's a Spambot on my forum.
I guess I should delete it.
But then the thing will just complain
of how it's been mistreated.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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