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Further Adventures in PHP Blog
21st July 2016


After the previous day's attempts at getting my Pound Sign back, I decided yesterday to do a simple regex command to make YouTube links pop up as videos automagically.


So I went online and found a BBCode example, which I copy and pasted into my site, double checking the thing to ensure it wasn't broken or easily hackable.
Uploaded the result, and .. bang.. the BBCode script died on it's arse.
I quickly removed the addition, and tweaked and tested and tweaked and tested and tweaked and tested..
Nothing I seemed to do would make a dent.

In the end, I deleted everything I'd gotten from the "Helpful" website, started afresh, and I did the whole bloody thing myself.
Fact : Copy+Pasteing from the net is never a good idea, and usually leads to breakages.
I already knew this going in, but was hoping it'd be a quick fix.
It wasn't.

"Never reinvent the wheel", they say..
But most of the time, the old wheel doesn't fit the new model, and you end up having to make your own wheel, anyway.


Another day pretty much wasted. And that's before I attempted the Linux stuff.
So I ended the day making a Lemming-flavoured video for AL's next Choon, due tomorrow.

At least that went well enough.

Daily Doodle : Getting Big

The little hamster's getting awfully big lately!
Must be all the cables he's been nibbling.
Platdude's going to have to buy a bigger cage.


Tearing the last of my hair out.
I've hardly got any remaining.
Linux is much worse than Android.
But they'll whinge if they hear you complaining.


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