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Keep Going.. Blog
26th July 2016


With yesterday's game launched in it's regular timeslot, so begins another week of Game Making!


But what game should I create, this week?
As per usual, I've no plan going forward.
Whatever happens, happens.
Sometimes I think it might be nice to have a plan for this, but so far it's been going ok, and it's certainly lasted long enough.

Keep going, right?!


Phone Change

Yesterday, I got my first iPhone! With extreme thanks to @GamingCentrum who amazingly donated a fairly significant amount via PayPal, last week, enough that it made my decision of which phone to buy, much easier.

You might think that, given that I've got about 20-odd games (give or take) on the thing, that I'd probably have bought one a little earlier.

Truth be told, with the iPod Touch and iPad, I've never felt the need.
It's not as if I ever go out, so if people need me, I'm always accessible via the net or the housephone.

And yet, people still txt me! I'm not sure why that is, but.. meh, whatever..
I've had my Lumia 1020 for a number of years, and as time's gone on, the thing appears to be getting more and more broken.
A few nights ago, I received a txt and spent a good 5 minutes or so having to hardware reset the bloomin' phone before it'd let me read the thing.
The main issue was the screen. Every so often (FAR too often) it would "forget" that it had a touchscreen. I could see the "Slide to open" lockscreen, but it wouldn't recognise any touchscreen inputs, so... no sliding.. no opening. no nothing..
And that's when you'd need to hard-reset, whereby it took ages to reboot.

I'd had enough, and vowed that day to upgrade to anything that doesn't use Windows!

In the end, I opted for an iPhone.
Given that it'll spend most of it's time sitting in the corner of the room being ignored, I figured I might as well buy a decent product that'll (hopefully!) last long enough for me to get any actual use out of it.

And so ends my adventure with Windows Mobile*.
It's been a rough journey.
Monkey-X has the ability to compile for Windows Mobile. I know that because I've managed to run 2 tests with the thing!
The process was long, complicated and frustrating enough that I gave up and never ended up releasing anything on Windows Mobile.

It's been fun, Microsoft. Thanks for making the world of Mobile Development, and indeed Mobile Phone Ownership, so wonderfully painless :

* Note : By "Windows Mobile", I mean "The version of Windows 8.1 RT, or whatever it is, which currently sits on my Nokia Lumia 1020". Frustratingly, nearly every "Windows for Phones" that there's been has had a completely sodding different name. And needed a completely different set of tools to get things to run on it.


Yesterday I took a MicroSIM card and sliced-and-diced it down to a NanoSIM card.
Surprisingly, even with my crazy shaky hands, the result was a working NanoSIM.

And this time, since I can actually work the smegging phone, I might finally make use of the last of the?10 Pay-As-You-Go credit that's been on it since the day I bought the Nokia Lumia, 2 years ago..
.. No, seriously, there's still ?5.90 credit on the damn thing!

Daily Doodle : Duck, Duck, Jump

Platdude hates this bit of the journey.
If only renting a movie was easier.
It all got harder once Blockbusters went bust.


I've given up on you.
You are no good for me.
It's time to say goodbye.
For now, I set you free.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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