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Apple Day Blog
8th September 2016


Didn't get a lot done after a certain point, yesterday.
I blame Apple!


EventsEarly morning for a change. But what to do, today..? Hmmmm..
Set up "The Counting Challenge"
10-12Created a test for this week's Wed.Workshop game. Seems that it's at least viable, but.. how to make it gamey..!?
12-2Spent some time working on Socoder's new "Mobile View" again. It's coming along, slowly, but still needs a lot more work doing to it.
2-4Continued work on Server Slowdown. Still unsure what's causing it, but it seems to be getting gradually better.
6-8Lazy (and/or, watched Apple's announcement!!)
8-10Have attempted about 3 different possible ALChoons, none of which sounded any good, and were all scrapped. Guess I'm not in a musical mood, today.
Gave up for the night. Nothing productive is happening!
Not a very good day, really. Although, I do like the idea for this week's game. I should probably work on that tomorrow.
Productivity : 2/5

Can't believe it's Thursday, already.
Today I'll be needing to sort out this week's SoCoder Newsletter, and do a video for this week's ALChoon.
As well as that, I should really make a start on this week's game.
Yesterday I did a Plausibility test, and thankfully that turned out quite well.
The game idea I have in mind was spawned by this week's Wednesday Workshop, but I've decided it's a nice enough game to also work as AGameAWeek, too.
Assuming I can get all the GUI stuff to work nicely, that is.

So, that'll be first on today's list. Working on a nice enough GUI that works on all the different targets.
Oh, joy. I just LOVE doing menus!

Daily Doodle : A Short Stroll

Platdude's on babysitting duties, so has decided to take PlatJr on a short walk to the shops.


Just when you thought
it was ready to play.
Another damn update
takes your game-time away.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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