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Friday MusicAL Blog
9th September 2016

Also available on SoundCloud


EventsAnother early morning. Spent a while reading about the Apple thing. Lots of people complaining about Mario not being on Android! Those Android complainers can be very vocal, when they get going!!
Tweaked some more SoCoder to get an extra ounce of speed-boost out of it.
10-12Started the GUI for dice game. I hope I've done all this size-maths right!
12-2Struggled to make a decent start on coding the GUI. The assets are all there.... I just CBA doing it!
2-4GUI now displaying the bottom left, but the right hand stuff isn't happening yet. Needs complicated "tests" to ensure the values work.
4-6Finished off this week's Newsletter, except for the added ALChoon on the bottom.
6-8Whoops! Went for a "short" nap. Slept until 9 o'clock!
8-10Got this week's ALChoon video rendering. More circles, mostly 'cos I'm rushing!!
Posted this week's SoCoder newsletter.
Probably would've been more productive, had I not completely zonked out at around 6 o'clock. D'oh!
Productivity : 3/5


So, I finally got this week's game off the ground.
It's slowly starting to resemble the picture in my head, which is (as per usual) a crazy mess of elements, higgledy-piggledy all over the place.
But at least it appears vaguely workable!
I should really be considering different screen orientations, too, but I'm being rediculously lazy with the game, and simply trying to make the darned thing actually work!
Bah, humbug.

Hopefully all of this will play well, once I'm done.

Daily Doodle : A Lelifant

Platdude's met a wandering Lelifant in the middle of the countryside.
He's not sure where it came from, though.
Perhaps it escaped from the zoo?


A list of things that I should do.
But which ones will I work on?
From the pile, I pluck out five.
My work has just begun.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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New games every week!
Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 79

Blog - Friday MusicAL - AGameAWeek