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Planning Blog
15th September 2016


I don't normally plan ahead as much as I have been, this week.


It's strange, but most of the game-dev that I've done this week, has involved me considering oodles of options, before eventually deciding against such a project.
Yesterday I battled my way through three such ideas, rejecting them for rather silly reasons.
The Hopping game was abandoned because the level couldn't be auto-generated.
The Dice game was abandoned because I've already done 2 games with dice/cubes, recently.
And ... Well, I know I want to keep the third idea for another time, so I won't say too much about that one.

Instead, I've settled (I hope!) on another puzzle game.
Seems to be Puzzle-Time in the world of AGameAWeek.
Today I'll be attempting to make a decent level generator, and hopefully I can make this game into something fun and amusing.

EventsF'ing Apple!!!
A late start, due to lack of sleep, due to F'ing Apple!
10-12Started work on game, but .. .. Hmm.. Maybe not.. :
12-2Whoops! Forgot Wednesday Workshop! I blame my phone for having reset and forgetting to remind me!
2-4Scrapped the "Upward" game, and started planning something for the Wed.Workshop, instead.
4-6Seems like I'm making another puzzle game. I've done a lot of those, lately. Hmmm :
6-8The puzzle game mechanics seem ok, but can the levels be generated?
8-10Lazy : Watched some telly.
Played with some music, but nothing decent emerged. I really oughta get some new Choons done!
Woke up in the middle of the night. Spent some quality time arched over the toilet bowl, calling for Huey. *shrugs*
Productivity : 2/5

Daily Doodle : Battle

Platdude's gotten through to the final round.
But will he win against such a formidable opponent?


Waiting for an idea to grow.
Sometimes isn't easy though.
Brand new thoughts take over, instead,
There's too many ideas in my head.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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