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22nd September 2016


I've had a couple of relaxing days, this week, so it's back to the utter chaos of coding oodles of stuff in a short time!


I'm now firmly wedged into the Gamma Collexion project, where I've discovered lots of things that need to be done before I can carry on coding more games.
Yesterday was spent rejigging how the scoring works, so that Draws can occur, and also games that have no scores at all still end up getting scored.
For "Battle" games, where the last player alive is the winner, I simply add 1 point to a secondary "score" for each frame that the player is still alive. That way, at the end of the game, the winner is obviously the one with the highest "score", even though these "scores" aren't ever displayed to the player.
Simple enough, and does the job.
I had to rejig the three games I'd already coded so that they worked well with the new scoring system.
I also added an actual scoring system, too, for games that need those. They're simply a "Highest score wins" scenario.

At the end of a game, the person in the lead gets 2 points, second place gets 1 point, and the other 2 get 0.
Draws are easy enough, and simply give multiple 1st players the same 2 points and 2nd players the same 1 point.

That took a fair amount of time to get working correctly, as well as figuring out how to display it all onscreen, but I'm pretty sure it's all nice and obvious, now.

EventsAnother early start. And a better day, hopefully!
Everything's flowing well. Posted about Gamma Collexion to a few places.
10-12Got the new score display working. Takes a 96 pixel-wide chunk out of the right hand side of the screen.
12-2Sorting out a new Points system.
2-4New Points system in place. 2 points for a win, 1 for 2nd place, 0 for everything else. Draws get counted as win/2nd place.
4-6Had a nap! Been a busy day!
6-8Finally got around to starting the "Daily Doodle Challenge" script for SoCoder. So far so good, but definitely needs rejigged for resolutions and orientations and whatnot.
8-10Got quite a bit of the basic doodle-box done, but the GUI is still a long way off.
Many things done, but so many things I didn't get around to.
Productivity : 4/5

Today I'm hoping to delve in and make a fourth game.
Only 23 more games to go, and we've got ourselves an Advent Calendar!!


I also finally spent some time working on the Daily Doodle Challenge.
If you'd like to sign up at SoCoder, you'll get to play this, eventually.
Each day, a random word appears, and you have to doodle a pixelart to represent it.
I'm not 100% sure on whether I'll be adding voting or whatever, just yet.
In fact, given how badly the GUI stuff went, last night, I'm not even 100% sure how the damn thing will even look.
Having a grid of squares you can point at and colour in is one thing.
.. Turning that into a proper browser-based pixel-art-package style utility, is quite another.

Daily Doodle : A Scary Day at the Beach

Platdude was shocked to see these creatures at the Beach.
Who organised this!?


With oodles to do,
and Christmas approaching,
I wonder how many
game ideas I'll be poaching?


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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