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Day Off Blog
25th September 2016
Yesterday was my Uncle Jimmy & Aunt Vicky's 25th Wedding Anniversary.


I recently missed their daughter's wedding, due to my "Can't get out, totally useless" gubbins, so I made a promise that I'd at least be there for this.
It was easier to cope with, since it was only a "house do", and not a lot of guests were invited.
I stayed firmly plonked on the couch, looking like a lazy bum, but I did at least chat away to a few people, and tried not to look like I was completely overwhelmed by all the people, and the loud music, and those darned flashing lights in the room!

I coped.
It wasn't as hard as I was worried it might be, but it wasn't the easiest day to cope with!
On the way out, everyone came to say goodbye, and we were surrounded by people both inside the house, and out. This was easily the hardest part of my day, as I found myself struggling to concentrate on walking out the door, whilst being bombarded by people from all sides, saying their goodbyes.
I certainly had to grasp the door frame for extra stability!!

But cope I did, and managed to cope really well given my health issues.
I was expecting a much harder day, but Uncle Jimmy ensured my visit was a moderately uneventful one.

Thanks to all who helped me, yesterday.
And congrats to Jimmy & Vicky on 25 years!

Today, I'll be resting.
A whole weekend without coding. *tsk* for shame!!

Daily Doodle : Find out, Tonight at Ten

Platdude does a piece to camera, showing off the latest amusement park in the town.
There's rumours that they have a swing, AND a slide!!


Sat on the couch, relaxing away.
Doing nothing is one of my aims.
I guess I'll just sit and be lazy again.
Then tomorrow, I'll work on my games.


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