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More MusicAL? Blog
11th October 2016

I've been falling behind on my Fanatically AL Bum, so this is the second track of the week!
Both Fanatically and Memories Of are at O, now, which is good!!



Gamma R is now at a decent playable stage, which is nice.
It took most of my time, yesterday, getting the level generator to work properly. Adding gameplay and AI was, by contrast, fairly simple to achieve.

With that mostly done, I started to think about a secondary project.
See the SoundCloud box up at the top?
That's nice, whilst the ALChoon is still up on SoundCloud.
But at the end of every AL Bum, I delete all the Choons from SoundCloud, to make space for the next AL Bum.

As such, old tracks no longer work. You can delve through the blog's archive and find hundreds of broken SoundCloud boxes.

With that in mind, I'd like to create my own "One Choon in a Box" display thing, and link it to the hundreds of tracks that are already in my Music Archive.
I'm not 100% sure how to do it, but I've had it in mind for a day, and thoughts are bubbling away in my fluid-filled head.
Hopefully something nice comes of it.

10-12Made a decent start on Gamma R. Got the generator up to a decent standard.
12-2Continued to work on generator. Maths. Lots of maths!!
2-4Struggled to centre the results of the generator, onscreen. Should be easy. Why is it being so awkward?
4-6Rest period!
6-8Continued to work on Gamma R. Got CPU players playing to a decent degree, but again, they need more failing before it's perfect.
8-10Did another ALChoon. Fanatically Orderly
A nicely productive day, today. A few more of these, and the Gamma Collexion will be done in no time!
Productivity : 4/5

Daily Doodle : An Epic Battle

Platdude is battling against a giant dragon.
Where's your sword, Platdude!?


Another day of focused work.
The games are coming thick and fast.
Thinking clear, and coding well,
I hope that this mindset will last.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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