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#ChordStory Blog
16th October 2016


Musical Andrew

Last week, Andrew Huang posted this video, in which he challenged people to continue a short melody he'd created.
I intended to join in, so jotted down the link for later, and carried on with whatever it was I was currently doing at the time.
.. Then, I completely forgot about it!

By the time this week's video appeared, I figured I was already too late to join in, but in the interim people had created a hashtag, and it'd kind of exploded beyond the limits of a short challenge.
So, last night I made the above choon.
It's probably nothing magical, but I like it! And it makes a good ALChoon!

Note : If you aren't already subscribed to Andrew Huang, do so now! He's a fantastic musician, and creates so many styles of music that your head would explode!!


10-12Restarted work on Gamma C. A few tweaks to the background, an overhaul of the control system, and a couple more tweaks.
12-2Ffs, the map bug is still there!! Why is the flaming map bug still there? Where is that coming from?
2-4Played a few minutes of Elite : Dangerous. Mmmm. Rocks!!
4-6Rest period!
6-8Worryingly started to think about a new SpikeDislike.. hmmm...
8-10Had a long bath. Nice and relaxed. Not a thought in my head.. .. except Spikes... uhoh!!!
Finally got around to making a CHOON for Andrew Huang's #ChordStory thing.
Productivity : 3/5

Daily Doodle : Building the Battlements

Platdude's preparing to build an outer defence wall, to guard his castle from oncoming enemy attackers.
.. The tide will be in, shortly.


The game is on my mind again,
Which gets so many likes.
The joys of all the bouncing balls,
And chunky pixel spikes.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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