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Getting Back to Normal Blog
20th October 2016


Managed to get back into the swing of things, but it took most of the day before I could be bothered!


It wasn't until well after 6pm before my mind had clicked back into place. But it did, and it allowed me to code the entirety of Gamma V within just a couple of hours.
It's a simple game, but then most of the Gamma games have to be. Easy enough to understand in an instant, but fun enough to replay over and over. (hopefully!)

With this year's focus on Local Multiplayer, it'll be a case of figuring out the game as quickly as you can, before you get beaten.
And with any luck, I've not made the AI so hard that it beats everyone!!

Anyway, V turned out nicely, so I spent an hour or so generating tomorrow's ALChoon video, and then snuggled back into my bed for a nice long sleep.
This morning, I'm fully refreshed and feeling my normal self.
Hopefully I can get some coding done before 3pm GMT, when Nintendo finally unveil their "NX", and I suddenly become a schoolkid again and get super mega hyped about gaming.

.. Or I'd better bloody well do, because lately, gaming sucks..

Daily Doodle : Excitement

Platdude's having a splash around, before today's big announcement!


The collection progresses.
The games are such fun.
Whether playing with friends,
or without anyone.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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