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Undecided Blog
30th November 2016


I tried a lot of languages, yesterday!


Unity's exes are 12Mb.
Just the exe. No data/art/sound files.
I can literally name the number of complete .zip files, of my games, which are as big as that.
SpikeDislike2, SpikeDislike3, Sheep Goes Left, Blockman Worlds, Futrino
And those are only that big because they have insane numbers of large mp3/ogg music files in their zips.

Monkey2 manages to squeeze the exe down to 7, but even still, that's insane!!

I tried a number of other languages, too, yesterday.
Each one had a myriad of pitfalls surrounding it.

Some languages couldn't handle templates without a complicated number of data changes.
Others forced you to do drag'n'dropping and interact with the GUI.
..And GLBasic STILL doesn't do audio pitch!!! What is with that!?!

I'm sitting here and trying to decide..
Do I stick with Monkey-X?
It really does seem to have everything I need, without the insane numbers of issues.

But I think, if I do stick with Monkey, I'm going to have to redo a lot of things, including scarily...
1. Scrap the framework and redo from start.
2. Scrap my NewYA target and recreate it with an all new version.

There's an awful lot of work ahead.
Can I get it all done by January!?

Daily Doodle : Out for a Jog

Platdude's put on his jogging outfit, and is heading around the block.
He likes the trees. They remind him of a game.
Outrun, perhaps?


Today's mail comes from Sourbelly

Dude, honestly, your games are totally addicting. Every year around Christmas we turn to the Alpha Collexion on the OUYA and play that stupid log throwing game, tower torment, .... all..... night.... long! LOL. My wife is addicted to it. Your games are simple and safe for even my 3 year old to be around. Thank you SO much for the collection. I appreciate your work very much.

Is there a way for us to donate to your efforts?

My wife just yelled over to me to ask you if you can ""make the log delivery more consistent"". She thinks they should arrive as soon as you pick one up. I would agree but I think that's part of the beauty of this game.

Anyway, let me know your thoughts on the logs and thanks again for the joy you've brought to my family.

Sourbelly and family

Aww, thanks
Like a lot of my Collexion games, Tower Torment was based on a game I played in my youth.
In this case, Ork Attack on the Amiga.
It could probably do with some balancing, and a number of it's main quirks fixed up, but if I did that, it'd probably be best to rework the game as it's own thing.

I'll add it to my todo-list for 2017.
Keep your eyes peeled!

.. And the donate button's on the upper right of the page.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.

Decisions, Decisions,
What tool will I pick?
But with so much to do,
I'd better choose quick.

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