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Extra File Transfers Blog
10th December 2016


Geeze, I can't believe I forgot to transfer my Emulator Archive to the new Laptop.


I realized last night, when I went to play a certain game for future ALChoons purposes, but not only was the game not there, but the emulator wasn't there, either!
Good golly!!

So I set the files transferring.
It took about 4 hours to transfer what I have, then I set up SyncToy to ensure everything stays backed up properly.

Whilst it was transferring, I made the start on the choon, and managed to get fairly far into it.
It's not quite 100%, yet, but it's close enough that I was happy to post the preview onto my Patreon Page, so pay-premium-subscribers can get a preview of it.
Ooooh, bonus features!

In addition, I added a test tilemap and starfield to my new framework test, and they seemed to manage ok. The framerate dropped a little, but it's nothing that a little sprite management won't fix.
After all, there's 250 stars, 250 particles, all that text, and a whopping great tilemap all being drawn every frame.
In an actual game, (hopefully!) there won't be that much going on, so you shouldn't see any framerate issues.

I should also point out that this is only based on the HTML5 version. The Win.exe edition is still running silky smooth, with added effects like sprite rotation and recolouring added in along the way.


Daily Doodle : Pottery Time

Platdude relaxes on his own, to do some pottery.
I wonder what he'll make, today?


I've coded so much,
yet I've barely begun.
This framework's a chore.
But the codiing is fun!


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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