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RAWR! Blog
19th December 2016



Why must good networks fail!?!?

I'm not 100% sure exactly when the thing died, but some cog in my chaotic network decided, yesterday, that it wasn't going to work anymore.
I spent about 8 hours, yesterday, trying a multitude of different things, in a desperate attempt to repair the network.
At one point, although my phone could connect to the main router, nothing else in the house could. It was as if the router had decided to become best-buddies with the phone.
iPad, Laptop, neither would connect, nor would the Xbox, the Apple TV, or any number of other devices.

Late last night, about 12:30am, somehow, for some reason, everything seemed to magically reconnect.
I wasted some time watching oodles of YouTube videos, and finally got to sleep about 3 in the morning.

This morning, I awoke to find it all buggered up again.
A couple more resets and a few tweaks to IPs and whatnot, and .. touch wood.. it seems somewhat stable again.

Or at least, it's stable enough for me to be posting this.
Once I've clicked [Post], it'll probably realise I'm posting about it online, and decide to cut me off again.

... They're watching..

Skynet : They won't physically kill us. They'll just disable our wifi until we all go crazy and kill each other.

Daily Doodle : The Return Trip

Platdude thought he'd take a slight detour on the way back, but it isn't any less frantic.


Christmas comes, and Christmas goes.
But meanwhile I have network woes.
The tree is up, the lights are on.
eff-six, one-nine-two dot one-six-eight dot nought dot one.


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