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Ugh.. Menus.. Blog
21st December 2016


Spent practically all day, yesterday, working on Menus.


First, I finished off the main menu so that it work in a completely different way.
No longer is everything sprawled onto the titlescreen like a crazy unmanageable tidal-wave of insanity.
Now there's two parts. A Start/Options/Credits screen, and a secondary Easy/Normal/Hard screen.
This means, in future games, I can fiddle about with other variations without breaking the simpler Start/Options/Credits part of the menu system.
... I hope!

Once that was all in working order, I headed back to the Options screen and gave that a fairly significant overhaul, too.
Extra padding, a narrower more specific width view, and I even battled our old enemy "scrolling", too.
It's quite a nice menu system, I think, but there's oodles of stuff to add to it, and I'm not sure how well it'll cope once they're all in place.
I might, instead, need a multi-page menu system. Especially on PC where those damned X360 pads have inverted Y controls, for some stupid stupid reason!!

Anyway, that was yesterday.
Today I think (!!) I'll probably make a start on getting those scoreboards up and running.

Daily Doodle : Phone Envy

Platdude's friend is super jealous of the epic new phone that Platdude's bought.
It's got proper buttons, and everything.


Up is up and down is down.
That's the way things oughta be.
But quite why when I use this pad,
The Y inverts, confuses me.


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