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Frustration Blog
30th December 2016


Google : "API SDK 16 Controller Android FFS!!!"


The annoying thing is, it tends to keep coming up with the same few results, none of which give any kind of examples.
For some strange reason, my SDK 16 doesn't appear to contain all the functionality that SDK 16's supposed to have.
I can't, for example, seem to use the getDescription() function, so I can't 100% tell when controllers are different. .. or indeed, the same..!
I've been at this for a few days, and it's still winding me up.


Yesterday I also grabbed an MFi/iOS compatible game controller, for additional testing on that side of things. .. As if trying to get just Android working wasn't complicated enough!

The controller is a MadCatz C.T.R.L.i, which seems to have more analogue-ness that I've seen in any controller, ever.
Every single button, from the dpad to the shoulder buttons (not the triggers, the buttons!!) has analogue sensitivity.


In addition, the MadCatz CTRLi was a fairly decent price, from Amazon. After years of being baffled by the ?100+ price tags of all these various MFi controllers, this one was finally at a reasonable price of only (?) ?27.99. (At time of posting!)
So, yeah, I grabbed it whilst it was fairly reasonably priced, and will be putting it to good use, shortly.

.. Once I've fixed this damn Android stuff..

Daily Doodle : Painting

Time for Platdude to respray the fence.
This stuff doesn't last very long.


Sitting here, wondering,
Fixing the code.
How can it be sorted?
These bugs are absurd.


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