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Frustration Blog
19th January 2017


Not an awful lot of productive coding done, yesterday.


I spent most of yesterday digging deep, once again, into the world of Android Audio.

This Time Yesterday

I'm starting to think that, perhaps there's something wrong with TeamOUYA's Razer test device.
I've tried everything I can possibly think of, and can't reproduce this error on my own Android devices, no matter what I try.
So I spend a good number of hours looking into extreme-debugging, outputting all manner of complicated things, including "Has the user somehow accidentally muted something, without noticing"
I got an absolute fuckton of debugging details coming from my framework.
Sure, all the debugging output had slowed the entire project to a 12fps crawl, but this was debug-time, and things needed to be debugged..

Late Last Night

Before I got around to finishing off the latest "Mass Debugger" .apk, I got an email from TeamOUYA.

"Hey Jay", says TeamOUYA, "could you send us an .apk of your game?"

A curious request.. Hadn't they already been testing with my .apks?
I link them to the versions on my site. For reference, the .apks that I upload to my Game Archive are indeed the exact same ones that I upload to TeamOUYA.

About an hour later, TeamOUYA get back to me.
Basic gist of the email.. Their site, when submitting an .apk, is compressing the .apk in such a way that it's breaking the audio files, so they no longer load correctly in my games.

I've been struggling to fix this since the end of November.
Nearly 2 entire sodding months of digging and hacking and prodding and poking.

To suggest that I'm slightly peeved by this outcome is a gross understatement.

TeamOUYA are going to attempt to fix their site, at which point, they'll let me know, and I'm to re-upload all effected .apks.
I hope to fucking god that that doesn't mean ALL my .apks..


Daily Doodle : Yahoo!

Platdude manages to get a fantastic photo.
He sure is lucky he didn't get hit!
Don't try this at home, kids!


As all the days and weeks pass by,
I struggle to fix my coding.
Turns out the problem wasn't my own.
So now I just sit, swearing.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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