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Unsettled Sleep Blog
18th February 2017


I woke up at 2:30am.


I'm not really sure why I woke up at 2:30am, but I was most definitely wide awake.
Not your usual "half two in the morning!?Ugghghgh!!" grogginess, but absolutely 100% wide awake.
So, I did what any sensible person would do, grabbed the laptop and got to coding!

This week's game is now at a fairly stable situation. It still needs music, sound effects and a title, along with a little difficulty balancing, but otherwise it's a nice enough little game, with lots of colours and oodles of lasers.

Feel free to come up with a title!

Meanwhile, I've also made a start on next week's game, based on a very vague reference on Twitter yesterday.
Wrongo McWrong tweeted
"~@Lord_Arse Is it me, or is @Jayenkai's original Blockman just like Flicky but a bit less annoying?"

I'd kinda forgotten about the original Blockman concept. The Platformer, with the little collectable Blocklets.
And so, that spark continued, and after an hour or so of doodling, I now have a vaguely decent set of sprites for a new Blockman game, along with the all-important screen-wrapping level display.
So that's all good!

Two games on the go, and hopefully both will make it to your devices as expected.

.. I haven't finished the Scoreboard Admin stuff, yet, though, so I guess I'll be hacking the database to add them in!

Daily Doodle : Dirty Cart

Platdude was hoping for a trip down memory lane, but the cartridge is refusing to load.


I'm juggling again.
I hope they don't fall.
The games that I'm making,
Will be fun for all.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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