New games every week!
Maybe no new game this week...!! Blog
3rd October 2008
Over at Socoder, someone (Naming no names.. he knows who he is..) figured out that the encryption on my Highscore system wasn't exactly the most foolproof of encryptions, and that it's fairly easy to hack in a few fake scores.
Can't have that!

So I worked my arse off, early this week, and a new encryption method has been successfully trialled and put into place. It's no super-amazing method either, but it oughta do for a while.

The extra workload has meant that I might not get time to make a new game this week. (boo!)

In the meantime, though, I have been retrofitting the new scoreboard back into the games that already had them, and I also figured I might as well start popping it into some of my other older games, too.
Expect, on Tuesday, a nice big lump of games, all sporting brand new online scoreboards, but most of which you've probably played before if you're a regular here..

Still.. I've a few days left, though, so.. You never know.. There might be some bonus extra game in there somewhere!

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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
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Blog - Maybe no new game this week...!! - AGameAWeek