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Switching Up Blog
27th May 2017

Gaming - ARMS

Had a play of the "Test-Punch" demo of ARMS, at 1am, last night/this morning.


It's a much more enjoyable game than I expected.
I did, of course, have to play in a static button-based mode, since all the physical movement wouldn't have been good for me. But it was still nice and fun, and somewhat reminded me of playing Unreal Tournament Classic, for some reason.
Suffice to say, I pre-ordered the game almost immediately.
Good stuff!


Today I'll be switching up the order of my day.
Rather than doing Web-Dev during the day, and Game-Dev during the evening, I'm going to reverse the two.
The insane summer heat, currently hitting the UK, has meant that my evening code sessions are less about coding, and more about sitting right in front of a giant fan, trying desperately to keep cool, and not doing much of anything else at all!
Quite how folk in hot countries cope, I've no idea.. I guess that makes AGameAWeek a very British thing

Bring on the rain!!!


I finished off most of the Showcase/Article section views, and all seems to have gone fairly well.
Not 100% sure what my next bit todo will be, but people are complaining that I need to add more "Delete" functionality, so I might have a look at that.

As someone who prefers to make giant archives of everything (see games/music/etc) I don't like things being deleted, especially when they really don't HAVE to be deleted.
Bah, humbug..

Daily Doodle : Changing Colours

Platdude's getting sick of having to change the cartridge on the 3D printer.
If only there was a printer that would print in multiple colours.


I just need to focus,
But this heat makes it hard.
When I'm trying to code,
Yet I'm melting like lard.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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