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KORG Competition Blog
1st June 2017

Also available on Allihoopa



KORG, the wonderful instrument makers, have set up another little musical challenge.
The only parameters are.
1. You have to use KORG Gadget (either the iOS edition or the new Mac edition. You may use the Free LE edition of either.)
2. The choon must be in 140bpm.
3. The choon must be uploaded to Allihoopa, a new social-music-sharing site.

Further Competition Details

I spent a couple of hours, last night, creating the above choon and submitted it to the competition.
Who knows if it'll get anywhere.
If you're registered at Allihoopa (which you probably aren't! I wasn't until KORG Gadget included it as an export option.) be sure to give it a like in the hopes that that helps


I spent HOURS working on the new site's uploader, yesterday. The old one "works", but most of the sections were unnecessary. Description and Titles were rarely used, and the "Link Page" was an unnecessary addition. Now it's a much more simple "Upload, here's the link" thing.
Or rather, that's the intention. So far, it's about 75% complete. Everything but the actual upload!!
That'll be today's task.

Actual GameDev

Between the hours spent working on the Uploader, and the above choon, I didn't actually do an ounce of game-dev yesterday.
A bit of a shame, but realistically I can't fit everything into just a single 24 hour session!

I'm about to go and render this week's SonicALly video, and spend some time writing this week's SoCoder newsletter, and then get back to working on that Uploader.
Once all that's done, it'll be time to get back to the game.
I have sprites, but no game, yet.
I also need to decide on what will make a fun level layout.
But it shouldn't take too long to get the basics into place.

Thursdays are always busy!!

Daily Doodle : Tank Attack

Platdude got fed up trying to beat the enemy with a small gun, so he's bringing out the biggest weapon in his arsenal.


A small task unfinished,
The job keeps expanding.
Two whole days later,
It still needs completing.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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