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Teeing Off Blog
22nd June 2017


Not an awful lot got done on the game, yesterday.


By this point, the player oughta be thwacking the golf ball all over the place, but instead I got wrapped up in the screen scrolling.
It took me quite a while to get the camera to glide at a pace that didn't make me feel sick!
As you turn the player around the ball, you need the screen to move slightly so that you can see farther in the direction the ball will be hit.
This resulted in some horrible camera swooshiness.
In the end, I opted to slow everything down.
The camera still eventually reaches the intended point, but it now glides a little more smoothly to it's destination.

Today, I'll see about getting the ball to move!

As for the character, if you remember a few weeks ago when discussing Disco Bert, I actually found his sprite in amongst the old "Greenie - The Eccentric Egyptologist" folder along with other unused characters..
This fella is another of those unused characters!
Decade old sprites, dug out of retirement for a round of golf, FTW!

Feel free to suggest names for our little golfing buddy.


I did, however, spend a good 4 or 5 hours on SoCoder, yesterday, finishing off quite a few elements that I'd half-abandoned, like adding pages to the Search results, allowing you to search the memberlist, and other such bits and pieces.

Over the past few days, I've allowed people to vote on which of the current themes is their favourite.
The unanimous answer was the BlitzCoder theme.
I got into contact with Krylar, the creator of BlitzCoder, and asked him if it'd be ok to use it as the primary theme, and he seemed OK with me doing that.
As a result, the new Socoder2 default look, the first thing people will see, is that of an old familiar friend.

I've still got a fair number of tweaks to do, but the proper launch day is getting fairly close.
It's almost time to hit the switch!

Daily Doodle : Last of the Apples

Platdude's reached the final tree in the orchard.
He hates having to do this one. It's far too high.


The site's nearly done,
But is not yet complete.
Getting it this far,
Has been quite a feat.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
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