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What Am I Doing?! Blog
1st July 2017

Journal Video


This week's game (assuming it even is this week!) still hasn't been decided on.


I've got a basic looking game engine of sorts, but I still don't know what actual gameplay is going on in there.
Leaving things a little late, there!

In all honesty, my head keeps jumping back to the "Shoot/Hack" idea from earlier in the week, but I know there's not a lot I can do with that idea, so everything's kinda clogged up in my head.
I might give this week a rest, have a nice long nap, and start afresh, next week, instead.

After all, this week's big-release has been SoCoder2, and after 2 months of development, it's certainly one of the largest projects I've tackled in a while.

Either way, I can't get into this week's game, at all.
Bah, humbug..


Meanwhile, I set about fixing up the email notifications for SoCoder2.
They currently work in a rather plain and simplistic way, but I'm now bulking it up to allow buffering, daily updates and other such things.
It's fairly complicated, and requires a lot of background stuff before I can so much as test that it's even working.
And then it'll be a case of posting 100 stupid little tests, all over the site, to ensure it's working properly.

After several hours worth of work, I've barely got it functional at all.
.. Maybe I do need to rest for a few days!!

Daily Doodle : I Choose You

Platdude brings out his OctoPlat for the final battle.


Stop. Relax. Recover.
After all the work you've done.
It's time to take a breather.
Play a game and have some fun.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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