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Sidetracked Blog
19th August 2017


I don't think I'm going to get a game done, this week


With all the chaos of moving the server, there's been issue after issue after issue!
But things are getting much more organised, now, and everything seems to have more or less slotted into place.

Yesterday, an engineer at Zen Internet (The new hosts) asked if I would like to have a security scan of the site done.
I backed everything up, and a couple of hours later he sent me a report of "Possible SQL Injection" things.
Scanning through the list, I found a couple of minor holes, but thankfully most of the "issues" were down to the crazy way my site works in the first place. Where the tool saw "Massive security hole", I saw "That's it switching to Sidebar-update output mode".

With that done, I then directed my attention to Random Numbers.
It seems that, "as a precaution", webhosts tend to disable PHP's ability to do Random Seeds.
As a result, today I'm going to have to create my own random number generator, which may be a nice fun little challenge, but is certainly something interesting to keep my mind busy!


I made a semi-decent start on this week's game, but nothing all that impressive.
It's a nice enough idea (nabbed from my own Pixelarts!!) and if I can get the "feel" just right, it could be a winner!
But it's not something I can manage within the next day and a half.

I think I'll hold it off until next week, and make a nice little game out of it.

I hope!

Daily Doodle : Too Close

Platdude likes getting nice close up shots of lightning.
But, maybe not this close!


Another day, another bug.
There's loads of them to find.
I seem to work on them so much,
That new stuff's left behind.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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