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2018 - Game 2 - On a Space Shooting Trail Blog
5th March 2018

The second game in the new C++ Framework is another familiar favourite, as we battle once again, in the neon skies.


In this brand new horizontal shooter, there are no more "Lives" to protect. Instead, it's just you against the onslaught of enemies that are seemingly desperate to get to the other side!

You can Download "On a Space Shooting Trail" here, for Windows, Linux and Mac.


- Move Ship
- Shooty shoot!

Note that the weapon will overheat after a while, so you'll need to manage how much you're shooting.

What I Didn't Do

There are only 3 powerups. A temporary minimal weapon upgrade, a freeze-enemies thing, and a good old Bomb.
I'm sure I could've added tons more, if I wasn't tackling the annoying server issues.

Known Issue

If the score-server is having a bad time when the game's trying to upload your highscore, it'll lock up the game for around 30 seconds.
This is a timeout-issue.
I've fixed it on the Windows version, but the Mac and Linux editions seem to completely break when I try the same sort of fix for them.
I'm going to be looking over this issue over the next few days, and once I've fixed it, I'll let you know.
Hopefully it doesn't take all week!!!

Once fixed, I'll also be uploading everything to GameJolt and, too, but honestly I can't be arsed uploading them now, and then having to reupload them in a day or so.

You can Download "On a Space Shooting Trail" here, for Windows, Linux and Mac.
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Blog - 2018 - Game 2 - On a Space Shooting Trail - AGameAWeek