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2018 - Game 4 - Roland Eats a Stale Biscuit Blog
18th March 2018

Guide Roland around the maze, using the many blocks to push his biscuits into an area he can eat them from.


Either I'm not very good at this, or some* of these levels are fiendishly difficult.

You can Download Roland Eats a Stale Biscuit here.

(*some = a lot!!)


- Move
- Push

What I Didn't Do

At one point, someone on Twitter suggested the "Stale Biscuit" having adverse effects on poor Roland.
I attempted to add a little action-based (snake-esque) minigame to the end of each puzzle, and as much fun as that little minigame was, it really felt incredibly disjointed after a nice puzzle-based thinking session.
The minigame was stripped out, as a result.
Perhaps, at some point, a tummy-troubled Roland might make a re-appearance?!

You can Download Roland Eats a Stale Biscuit here.
Views 323, Upvotes 48  
Release , 555 , Roland
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