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Instructions Blog
22nd February 2019
Added the ability for each game to have its own Rules page.

In the upper-right of the Shoebox menu, once you've selected a game, you should now find a small "Rules" icon.

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Yesterday I had two different people both asking about how to play particular games. Michael asked about completing Spider Solitaire, whilst RSKGames bemoaned the fact that he couldn't finish off a game of Strings.

I can't simply ignore those, so although I had intended to do other things, yesterday, I instead spent the time working on a nice and simple way to get instructions working within the framework.

In the end, it was a fairly simple task, especially since I'm running all of this inside a Web browser, and those happen to be fairly good at displaying formatted text within the confines of the screen!

A little framework tweaking was required, as well as a new "Rules_GameTitle()" function for each of the game scripts.
The rules aren't the most complex set of instructions, but (hopefully!) they should be enough to get people into each game without too much of an issue.

So.. today's tasks, then..

I really need an onscreen titlecard! Definitely!!
And I could also do with figuring out a simple way to activate all the different game score displays, without needing to code each one within the main script.
With any luck, by the end of the day, you should finally get to see "Longest Word" displayed on the Strings page!

You can Play ShoeBox of Games here
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Daily Blog , Shoebox
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