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Foldapuz - Triplet Blog
6th August 2019
v1.32 - Added the word game "Triplet", which only shows three letters.

Try to find a word, or multiple words, which fit inside the provided space.

You can Play a sheet of Triplet here or alternatively Play the game in your browser/mobile/tablet here


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What I Didn't Do

This is a really really basic game! Sorry!!

But I did at least take the time to add a little bit of complexity to the word fetching routine, so that it can specifically fetch words with higher value (Scrabble-based) letters, rather than always ending up with really obvious words.
This adds (IMO) an extra amount of complexity to the output, and should also help you learn some handy high-point Scrabble words whilst you're at it.

You can Play a sheet of Triplet here or alternatively Play the game in your browser/mobile/tablet here
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Foldapuz , Words
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Blog - Foldapuz - Triplet - AGameAWeek