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Finishing Touches
17th August 2019
As with last week's Shoebox game, I actually uploaded it about mid-day, yesterday, but haven't yet officially posted about it.
If you're the nosey sort, keep an eye on Shoebox on a Friday, and you might catch a glimpse of the next game, before it's properly finished. I first wanted to double check everything, and that's best done on the iPad, whilst sat riding my little foot-pedal-doohickey. Top Tip : Get in shape by forcing yourself to exercise whilst you're doing all of this gameplay testing! -=-=- I'm fairly sure the game is now running like it should. A couple of odd quirks happened, like when the Draw Deck ran out of cards and went "Flap flap flap flap flap flap flap" as it was trying to deal cards that didn't exist! Also, I did attempt to fix up the "Goto game link doesn't always work" cache issue, but wound up with the whole site stuck in a weird loop, where it constantly tried and failed to update itself. I've since removed that, for obvious reasons!! But otherwise I'm quietly confident that the game's running as it oughta, and the computer player is playing by the rules. I'll now start doing all the Youtube and logos and whatnot, and it should be posted in a jiffy! See you shortly! Views 103, Upvotes 22
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