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Player Thoughts - Follow the Path Blog
26th November 2019
Each week, more and more games are piled onto the site, and tons of feedback is submitted from those who can still be bothered playing any of them!!

If you'd like to Play Follow the Path, you can do so in the Browsercade.


The old AGAW native games used to have a feature in the credits screen where the gamers can see how many times they have played the game.


Ooh, yeah... hmm.

You'll be happy to know that the game does (.. I think?!) still keep track of that. Since the Browsercade's engine is based on the Shoebox one, it ups the figure every time you start a game, just like on there.
or.. at least.. it should.. unless I deleted that!! I'll have to check.
It should also be flagging a "Win" every time you beat your previous highscore, too.

I just need to find somewhere that I can pop that into the display.
Feel free to suggest good places!

I don't know how many times I have played ''Follow the Path'' game but I am sure that half the times I got game over screen when the score was 35. I know that 35 is the score when the 3rd spike is spawned (first spike on 15 and new one on 25, 35, 45, ..) still I am very surprised how I am unable to get past 35 half the time in the game. Initially I got a highscore of 76 and then 79 but after that I don't cross 55 anymore.

It's definitely one of those "Don't overthink it" games.
I've found myself also getting progressively worse, the more I try to beat my highscore.
Tricky things, those spikes!!

I felt this is a tougher variation of the ''Leaping frogs'' game in the ''Gamma Collexion'' of 2016.

I always thought leaping frogs was a little bit too slow, but yes, that and an old Play My Code game, "Chase the Block",* were the inspiration for this. I knew it could be better than the old version, and was originally doing the controls as a rolling ball, but that seemed WAY too hard to keep from rolling off the edge!
Instead, I mixed the analogue movement of the player and spikes, with the tile-based floor, and the two seem to have merged together reasonably well.

I was glad that Flappadiddle music seen in the youtube was not used in the game.

The music was hastily cobbled together at the last minute, as a MOD, and then I couldn't be bothered creating a "better" KorgGadget version of the choon, so instead grabbed something from the giant pile of ALChoons for the purpose of the trailer.
You'll probably see that happening quite a lot, as I'm desperately cramming everything into a teensy tiny amount of space.

What I could really do with is some sort of go-between format where I can make a choon and have it generate both a Mod and the KorgGadget version.
I *think* a Midi file might be useful, but my previous attempts at getting Midi to XM conversions going, haven't been all that fruitful.

Overall a very short and challenging game.

Apologies that it isn't a "bigger" game. Some weeks, AGameAWeek can be a bit short!!

Thanks for playing.
And thanks more for commenting!

If you'd like to play, you'll find Follow the Path in the Browsercade.

* I've tried to find a working version of Chase the Block on, but .. nope.. Not happening :\
I CAN find the code, and the assets are there, too, but since PMC is permanently offline, the games just won't run at all.

Views 215, Upvotes 24  
Player Thoughts , Browsercade
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Blog - Player Thoughts - Follow the Path - AGameAWeek