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Tickle Your Feet
2nd January 2020
Went for a checkup this morning.
-=-=- I WAS supposed to be getting another blood-test, but the nurse decided it was all but useless at this time of year, given the whole "Eating an entire Chocolate Orange, and drinking a ton of Bailey's Cream on New Years Eve" situation. So, we left that for a couple of weeks, and instead she tickled my feet, and poked them with a little flexible stick thing, which apparently shows my extreme diabetes.. .. Or in my case, a lack thereof. Every sign they can think of is showing "No Diabetes", all except for my sugar level which I'm convinced (as seems to be the nurse) is down to lack of exercise. And yet, they keep dragging me down there every smegging week or so, which I'm really struggling to do, for more pokes, prods, stabs and jabs. Diabetes is, of course, nothing to ignore. It's a serious issue, and all these tests are merely a precaution. Take the pills, do the exercise, and have all the checks. It could save your life. Stay healthy, everybody! Views 77, Upvotes 22
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