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Family Day
19th January 2020
Most of yesterday was spent in Family Mode, with not a terrible amount of coding going on.
I did at least manage to add a single enemy type to the maze game, and usual key/door mechanic is working well enough. -=-=- Michael Fernie added a few thoughts to the post, yesterday, so let's have a scan through and see what could/couldn't be achieved. Maybe add the ability to fight the monsters. Be able to use and collect a few items would be nice. These could include armor and weapons and health restore items. The original had other items you could use. Add treasure chests and gold that can be collected for points. Killing the monsters could also give points. Fighting the monsters is in, with a nice (I think..!) limit to the amount of fighting you can do. I've coded a single powerup for the weapon, but haven't yet figured out where to put said powerup. I'm guessing those Treasure Chests are going to be handy for that. Gold, health, the powerup.. Shield/armour isn't really all that useful, I don't think. A simple health-point system is more than enough, since the game isn't "really" that hard. You could also do the color lock door combo to make the game a little harder and add a new gameplay element. That would require a much more complex level generation method than I'm currently using! At the minute, it's really easy to loop back around behind monsters and the like, since I've done a really basic "bunch of blocks with paths between them" method, instead of a "proper" maze generator. I think it these ideas would add some nice gameplay and make it more than just a escape the maze type game. I'll try my best. Time is limited, this weekend!! Views 57, Upvotes 15
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