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Lack of Game Blog
29th February 2020
v0.01 - Starting the project[/highlight]
Haven't started a game, yet.
I think this might be a game-less week.


Instead, I spent most of yesterday wrestling with an update to one of the unused tools in the Toolbox.

JNK Titler kinda works well enough, but I've often thought it could be more useful if it were.. .. You know.. A super-handy Javascript rendition, like everything else seems to be, nowadays.

The main issue with doing such a thing is that you need a list of available fonts.
Webfonts don't seem to work too well if you jump between them, and although it's easy to USE .ttf fonts on the user's system, that only works if you know the exact names of the fonts on the user's system.

I've been struggling with this issue for a few months, until yesterday when I realised that I can access .ttf fonts within php.

A little back and forth'ing between a Javascript page and a .php script, yesterday, and things are starting to look a little more viable.

It took me AGES to figure out how to get antialiasing to work right on the fonts, eventually opting to rescan the font upon loading into the javascript, because php's a bit shit at doing antialiasing properly.

So, with the biggest and hardest (I think!) piece of the puzzle complete, I should be able to get a fair amount of the tool up and running, today.
I'll first aim to get it up to the same sort of specs as the original, and then add in a bit more editor focused stuff, to allow you to tweak the output to a more preferred style.

It shouldn't be "too" hard to do, but will definitely need plenty of planning to get everything right.

If nobody complains, I'll probably make this Monday's "Game", instead of an actual game.


Petit Switch got a lovely update, last night.
Now the entire interface, the manual, the help files.. Everything..
Is all in English!
Oooh, lovely!

Having opened it up and noseyed around in the interface, (and learning that a couple of the buttons I'd been using in the menus had been wrong!) I figured "What the heck.. Whilst it's open.." and set about doing to the Framework what I'd been doing to the Browsercade framework, recently, too.

I've added the Top 10/Last 10 display to the titlescreen, for any and all future Petit Switch games.
I might also take the time to go back and dump it into previous games, too, since it's not "too" hard to do. (I think!)

So.. Yeah, that kept me up until about 4am..

.. Kinda tired, now!

Gotta keep coding!!
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Daily Blog , Tools , Petit Switch , Jnk Titler
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