New games every week!
25th April 2020
Last night I sat and wrote a vague tutorial'ish thing for SmileBASIC.
I took the idea of what I did with the Banana Dodging thing, and tried to make an entire game of Pong/Tennis within the space of a single screenshot-able screen of text. -=-=- It went fairly well. There's no end-game, since I couldn't quite manage to squeeze it into the screen, but otherwise it's mostly a playable "thing". Today I need to grab all the images I took on the Switch as I went (hoping that I took all the screenshots I'd be needing) and cleaning up all the waffle I wrote as I went! Once that's done, I've been asked on Twitter if I could do a tutorial for backgrounds. There's TONS of ways to do backgrounds, so I'll need to write up a few different methods, I think. Hmm.. I think things might get a bit tutorial'y around here, for the next short while. Apologies if anyone finds that annoying. Views 88, Upvotes 21
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