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12th September 2010
Time to pick a new Jingle. I'm thinking that Year 3 should be marked, slightly, by tweaking the intro jingle a little, so I've gathered together a handful, and popped them all here.
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Daily Blog
11th September 2010
Oh, hell, I gotta start this all over again!! Year 3 : October 2010 - October 2011 It's a month away, and I'm still being all lazy and relaxing, but I need to try and keep the site looking half-assed, so it doesn't disappear due to lack of activity
Views 49, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
8th September 2010
54 games. Last year I only managed about 30-odd, so I think that's pretty good going. Sure, it might not have truely actually been A Game "Per" Week, but I did at least keep the ratio up. If I hadn't taken the time out to build the framework, I probably would've actually achieved the target a little better The stats show I was pretty much on top of things up until that point, but then things got slower and slower until my buffer zone was all dried up. Anyhoo, this is a nice big lengthy re...
Views 125, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
5th September 2010
54 games. Last year I only managed about 30-odd, so I think that's pretty good going. Sure, it might not have truely actually been A Game "Per" Week, but I did at least keep the ratio up. If I hadn't taken the time out to build the framework, I probably would've actually achieved the target a little better The stats show I was pretty much on top of things up until that point, but then things got slower and slower until my buffer zone was all dried up. Anyhoo, this is a nice big lengthy re...
Views 66, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
28th August 2010
This weekend I'm planning on doing a nice big happy writeup about Year 2. I'll be hopping through and replaying all my year's games, and jotting down little should/shouldn't's about each one. I might even take the time to record a few seconds of each and then build up a nice big Year-2 Video. That'd be nice!! Meanwhile, I can't sit still, and have already begun a new'ish game. <img src="">
Views 98, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
18th August 2010
Step 1. Place an indie game into a copy of your magazine. Step 2. TELL THE DEVELOPER! <img src=""> Step 3. Profit In this case, Webuser failed to tell me that NeonPlat2 was in their July 15th 2010 issue. As such, I haven't bought it. They 100% lost a sale, because had I known I was in it, I would've damn well bought it. I have three other copies of WebUser in my "Black box filled with magazines that my games are in" But now...
Views 122, Upvotes 23  
Reviewed , Media
5th August 2010
Authentic Kaizen ((URL "">, ideaman behind NeonPlat) has sent a few new game ideas. Some are short and sweet, but the most tempting one feels like it needs a little care and attention. I feel like I want to do something with it, but am struggling to come up with a way to compress it into a week's worth of code. I think, what I might actually do, is leave it a few weeks. Once I hit the 52nd week of year 2, and another whole year's worth of games, I'll b...
Views 27, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
23rd July 2010
Although, I did say that last week, too! Never mind.. Read inside for techy stuff!
Views 43, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
20th July 2010
Looking at the stats, either everyone decided to leave when I released NeonPlat (Why?!) or folk started to get upset when I mentioned my attempts at iPhing Development. I'm not sure which, but there's certainly been an awkward shift. So, I'm going to split things up. Even though my iPod Development won't be "AGameAWeek" (or at least, not for a long long while) I've still decided to call my new site AGameAWeek iDev. Because, what the heck, that's my brand now! I might as well s...
Views 46, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
11th July 2010
Tuesday : Game #200 : RetroRaider II, Lara's Quest Continues
Views 53, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
15th June 2010
You could say that this week's been a bit of a cheat. An update isn't REALLY a whole new game. But then, I also made <a href="">ScoreRack</a>, this week, too.. So it all evens out! Good stuff!
Views 76, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
14th June 2010
Jayenkai's World Cup Challenge : <a href="">A plan to do something, rather than sit watching football for 90 minutes each and every day..</a> --- An early caffeine fuelled start has lead to a nice NeonPlat trailer, which actually took about two hours... But who's counting!? I didn't keep a track of how/when I pieced this together, mostly because I kinda just jumped into it this morning, but it went a little like ...
Views 34, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
13th June 2010
Oh, my, what a crazy old week it's been!!! I spent most of Wednesday upping bits of NeonPlat, Thursday was a weird day with lots of odd bits being done, and then by Friday I had the stupid idea of 90-minute-work-sessions.. Derp!! As such, NeonPlat hasn't had a lot more done to it. I've still a day to go, and I'll probably get a few pieces sorted, but don't be expecting as much as was originally expected. Still, we have ScoreRack as a new game, for this w...
Views 22, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
12th June 2010
Jayenkai's World Cup Challenge : <a href="">A plan to do something, rather than sit watching football for 90 minutes each and every day..</a> --- For my second half, I decided to try my hand at some music. Here is a possible theme tune for NeonPlat2. I probably shouldn't have bothered!! Wasted a good hour, there!
Views 40, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
10th June 2010
Not sure... Today should be iPhinging day, but instead I'm faffing around with NeonPlat some more, and adding some nice fun little elements. (URL ""><img src="" alt="" title="NeonPlat2_Plus" width="300" height="187" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-652" /> Smashing!.. is nicer than it was, I've added a...
Views 35, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
9th June 2010
I'd planned to make a NeonPlat post, this morning.. But then, I've also planned to do WarioWare on Wednesdays.. .. and then there's the Music thing, which I've also decided to do on Wednesdays. ... Derp! So, looks like we're going to start having a Megapost every Wednesday, from here on. Aftermath, Music and More!
Views 50, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
8th June 2010
Simply put, Awesome!!! Hop around, grab the balls, throw them at the bad guys, and paint all the white floor tiles in the colour of your pants! There are four difficulty modes on the titlescreen, and you can play Co-Op style with up to four players simultaneously!!! (although, you all have to be using the one system. Still haven't learned to do any Network stuff, yet!!) <a href=""><img src="
Views 211, Upvotes 24  
8th June 2010
Views 62183, Upvotes 109  
Platdude , Action , Arcade , Remake , Neoplat
7th June 2010
Um.. Yeah.. That's almost everything!! <a href=""><img src=""></a> Todo : Menu and powerups..
Views 73, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
6th June 2010
I'm halfway through NeonPlat 2, and would you believe it, I have a dream about Invisible Munky 2! FFS, how annoying is that!? Now I've another gameplay idea banging away in my head, and it actually seems nice and playable, too! Bah... I'll have to set it aside, and focus on the task at hand. For the sake of comparison.. NeonPlat used to be this. <a href=""><img src=""&g...
Views 71, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
4th June 2010
I'm still not sure what I'm calling this release, but NeoNeonPlat has been stuck in my head for a couple of days. Seems to fit. Other suggestions are welcome. Meanwhile, multiplayer (one system) is working great, and I'm starting to formulate how the scoring will all work out. There are three different baddies, the white platforms are back, and I'm starting to build up a nice progressing difficulty system. It's coming along nicely!!!
Views 59, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
3rd June 2010
I'd planned to do my regular iPhing development learning thing today, but. Meh, bad head, can't think, not in the mood.. Never mind.. Instead, I'm playing about with NeonPlat2. <a href=""><img src=""></a> Blimey, where did that come from!?! I've been doodling sprites for the past couple of days, and today, just like the last time that I did N...
Views 40, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
1st June 2010
Having pretty much messed up this week's game, I figured it'd be a better idea to go for the Tried and Tested, this week. So, without having to think too hard, it's time for NeonPlat 2! First job is the art. All nice and hi-res, while still being small enogh to fit as much onscreen as I can. Level Progression should be dealt with, and a couple more characters, too, so suggestions for those are welcome. I'll keep you updated, as the game builds! An update as the game builds.. &...
Views 62, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
16th May 2010
With all the Mac stuff, I've not had a chance to do a new game. NOOoooooo!!!!!! I suppose I could rush something in the next 24 hours, but I'm much rather be playing with those extra trimming, and getting things a little nicer. First off, Gravity Bombs. Not touched it yet, but it definitely needs at least one tweak. .. the Mac's "Superior" (bah) Magic Mouse has a lot going for it, but it also has an inability to right click whilst holding down the left mouse button. Which is pretty much a require...
Views 34, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
7th May 2010
I've been considering doing this game over the past few weeks. When I started doing JNKPlat2010, I wondered how neat it would be to lock away a new NeonPlat in the game. (Around about the time I added the Arc around Platdude whenever he uses the Jetpack!) Today, I got this through the suggestions box. Friday 7th of May 2010 04:28:21 AM Name : DJgamer98 Idea : NeonPlat 2 Nicely put! Thing is, NeonPlat worked a lot like Centipong. It's nice, and it's great, bu...
Views 29, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
Mailbag! Blog
18th March 2010
August 26th 2009 That's the last time I did a Mailbag post! Blinkin' eck! Over the past 6/7 months, I've occasionally dipped into the mailbag and plucked out little snippets, but I figured it was about time I did a proper one. A few of these have already been posted, but there's a whole batch of new ideas here. Let's go!!! (There's a lot!!)
Views 44, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
6th January 2010
That went as well as could be expected. Xmas intervened, family issues cropped up, all manner of snow based issues, and I pretty much rushed through the last 4 or 5 of those! Not that it was entirely noticeable. I happen to think the last two were cracking games. But which were your favourites? Three Hens a-Laying seemed remake-able, could be something more interest. hmm. OK, back to the world of AGameAWeek. AGAW Scoring : 21 weeks, 30 games. Woohoo! Jumped up a wee bit, there! This mea...
Views 21, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
250 results 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (8) 9
Site credits : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 278

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai