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SpikeDislike2 v1.3 Blog
19th May 2013
SpikeDislike2 has just had a nice big update on the iOS AppStore, and I'm now thinking about what to add next, so I figured I'd make a nice rambling blog about it.

That's what this is!!

You can buy SpikeDislike2 in the AppStore! It's nice and cheap, and full of lovely juicy stuff!


1.1 -> 1.3?

Right off the bat, you'll probably notice that I skipped a version number, there!
v1.1 was uploaded to Apple.
Then I got a request for a Portrait mode, so I quickly cobbled together that, and it became v1.2
.. But Apple hadn't reviewed 1.1 yet..
So 1.2 sat on my harddrive, and it gradually got little extra bits bolted onto it.
By the time I was finally ready to upload it again, it'd grown quite a bit, so I decided it should probably be 1.3 instead.
Nothing major, mind, not as big as the Hats, but if you like playing with one hand, this is the update for you!

There's also 3 brand new gamemodes.

Deathball Challenge

@Spinal_Cord initially suggested this mode.. I could do with adding extra credits into the game, somewhere, really!
Here, SpikeDislike returns to the LCD world of Game & Watch, and is reborn as if it had been made in the 80s.
If you thought SpikeDislike looked crappy and retro before, you're about to be amazed at how crappy and retro it looks now!!

The Meaning of Light

A half-planned, but unexpected edition.
Make your way through a regular SpikeDislike playfield, with a slowly extinguishing flaming ball. If the flame dies out, so does the light!
I initially wanted a good idea for a "SpikeDislike2Lite" mode, so sat about thinking of ways to include "Light" into the game. This is what I eventually came up with.
This mode was created for, and is still inside, the Lite edition, but I enjoyed it so much that I ended up dragging it back over to the main version, too!
.. Which, of course, means I now need to come up with something else for the Lite edition. Grrr!

A Day at the Beach

This playmode underwent a fair number of changes from it's initial conception.
Originally, it was meant to be a series of Desert Islands, which you jumped onto.
What seemed like a good idea didn't really play very well, as the islands became really small, and the gaps between them had to be oddly sized to account for the bouncing rate of the ball.
Tricky to get right, and didn't really work out well at all.
In the end, the island idea was scrapped, the sand became a long never-ending beach, and I threw in some happy pinwheels for good measure.
The Palm Tree was left in. It looked great on the Desert Islands, but seems a bit weird in it's new "Edge of the Beach" position. ... But sod it!!

What Next?

I'm not sure!
My "MenuA.png" image has room for 20 menu slots, and we're up to 15, so that's enough space for 5 more modes.
I might see about tweaking that, somehow, as GameCenter gives us 25 leaderboards to play with, so it'd be nice if I could fill that up completely, although I'm also considering having a leaderboard for "Most Passes" and "Highest Combo".. I'm not sure, to be honest, as I haven't really planned that far ahead.
I do know, however, that the final gameplay mode will be "Choose Your Own Dislike", where you'll be whisked off to a SpikeDislike1 style menu, allowing for all manner of customisation, picking any of the other modes, and playing using your own settings. woot!
But before I get to that, I want to finish off adding as many different gamemodes as I can, so there's loads to choose from once it's ready.

Possible Modes

Something Brown
@sebastianlenton has already suggested that I make a mode in brown. "The next update should include a "brown" game mode- might get a few sales from fans of tedious first person shooters!"
Sounds like a plan!!

I've had the idea of a Golf mode in my head since the original SpikeDislike. Seems like a good idea, but I can't quite figure out how it should work.

The art for Swimming mode is already in version 1.3, but the mode has been removed due to lack of playability.
I should really get around to finishing that off!

When SpikeDislike was originally released, @RetroRemakes offered some nice lovely graphics to use.
The Bernard theme was nice and C64-esque, and it all bounced along nicely.
Since SpikeDislike2 is all about new modes, new styles and new ways to play, I wondered how the Bernard mode should play.
.. I'm still wondering.
I haven't a clue!
Bernard deserves something special, but I'm not sure exactly what.

If you have any other suggestions, simple/complex/otherwise, stick 'em in the comments!


You can buy SpikeDislike2 in the AppStore! It's nice and cheap, and full of lovely juicy stuff!

Android/Windows Update?

When I first released SpikeDislike2, I gave away the Windows/Android free edition, and said that it's features would be increased, as the iOS edition sold more copies.
I set the initial Update Point at a fairly reasonable "500 Sales"...
Annoyingly, I've yet to reach that, so there's been no update to the free one!
Sorry folks!!
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Blog - SpikeDislike2 v1.3 - AGameAWeek