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Forward Planning, or not.. Blog
3rd June 2013
Although I am sort of planning things ahead of time, I'm not really doing a good job with the things I'm planning.
In the majority of cases, the better AGameAWeek games seem to be those spur of the moment games that I cobble together fairly quickly.
Anything over-planned seems to die a death, halfway through!

At the start of May, I planned to do two fairly large projects.
Both of those projects have remained untouched for at least a couple of weeks.


My coders-ADD is taking hold, and anything that requires more than a few days work, seems to lose my attention.
Instead, anything I can instantly rummage together, usually has a short enough dev-time that I can see it through to some sort of completion.

So, what's to come?
I've started drawing some sprites for a possible JNKPlat game. I'm not sure what the end result will be. I have no plans, I just know that, somewhere down the line, I'll probably need some sprites.

I've also started to doodle some backdrops for a RetroRaider sequel, this time drawing them to a scale that might fit nicely onto a Nintendo DS, were I to attempt such a thing.

Code wise, I've managed to get Internet-based data flowing from my framework to my server and back again. It's currently next to useless, but in the future, it might be useful for sending strings of data, like nicely compressed level data, between an editor and a server.

I also got some nice new tweaks done to my framework. In case you didn't spot it in last week's MLG game, I spent a good hour or so, redrawing the EditUndo font, so that it now finally includes lower-case letters. I must admit, it's been a heck of a long time since I sat drawing a font!!

Additionally, if you tap the AGameAWeek logo in that game, (and future games!) you'll be taken to the new Credit Screen, featuring Greenie on a nice real time Testcard pattern.
Hurray for Testcards!!

Tomorrow (today?)???s release will be a sequel to Kee Bo and Ard. It's nothing major, and features lazily slapped together random levels, but it's got quite a lot of them, so should at least keep you playing for ten minutes or so.

After that, we're back to random unplanned oddities.

If you'd like to make a suggestion for a game, either plop it into the comments below, or click on the Suggestions box, up at the top.
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Blog - Forward Planning, or not.. - AGameAWeek