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BlastTrax Update : Update! Blog
2nd October 2013
I finally wrangled my way through "the big update" over the course of two nights..

Day one was having to upgrade to Mountain Lion (I was in hospital when it came out, and hadn't bothered to upgrade since).. This was swiftly* followed by installing XCode5.
The reason for all this, is that iOS7 devices need XCode5, and XCode5 needs Mountain Lion. It's Apple's special way of making sure all us developers constantly upgrade everything!

* Given that my Mac is at the exact opposite side of the house as my Router, and that it's wireless, this process (over 6Gb of downloading) took around about 5 smegging hours to get through!

So, yeah, took a while..
Day two was the realization that I'd let my certificates and provisions all run out, and that, as much as XCode5 promises to do all the legwork for you.. .. it bloody well doesn't!
So, I trawled through the various sites, ticking boxes, grabbing files, fiddling about and more.
I managed to get my "Development" side of things to work, and have managed to pop the update of BlastTrax onto my own iPad, but I haven't successfully managed to get the "Distribution" stuff to work yet. It's being extra quirky. Grrr!!!

With all of that stuff settled'ish, I then updated Monkey, and found that it no longer likes to compile properly with XCode5. Well, it does compile, it just doesn't run it, and so assumes it's failed. It pops up a "FAILED!" warning, which looks bad, but isn't. You can then open the .xcode_proj into xcode and compile it from there. Works a treat.


So, I'll carry on again, tonight, and see if I can get the "Distribution" stuff to work correctly, and then I'll be popping it over to Apple, so that they can disagree and complain about all my 80's coding style

Wish me Luck!!
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