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Monkey Skeleton 13_10_20 Blog
20th October 2013
So, I finally got an OUYA, and managed to get my first game into the OUYA store after a bit of tweaking.
Time to update my Framework!

The Download

Jayenkai's Monkey Framework, as of 20th October 2013 | Blog Post

Older versions

Jayenkai's Monkey Framework, as of 13th June 2013 | Blog Post
23rd March 2013 | Blog Post
25th February 2013 | Blog Post
28th January 2013 | Blog Post-=-=-


PlayKey Enhancements

I've rejigged a whole lot of the controller code to work better with the OUYA controller, as well as allowing analogue sticks and triggers on other targets.
For the most part PlayKey(3) is still left, but if you use PlayKey(3,0) instead, it disables the analogue stick.. Then you can use StickX(Stick) where 0 is left stick and 1 is rightstick. StickY does Y and Trigger(0/1) does your two triggers.

Theoretically PlayKey(3,0,0/1/2/3) should do different controllers, and StickX(Stick,0/1/2/3) should, too.. I haven't yet tested this, though, so use at your own risk

Depending on how complex your game is, you might want to fiddle about with PlayKey button inputs a bit, but for most of my stuff it oughta work suitably well.


If you set "isOuya" to 1, right up near the top, the game will make use of Overscan settings. Essentially scaling everything with an added border around the edge.
In the Pause menu is a new shoulder-button-based slider thing to allow the player to select their own overscan setting, ranging from none to amazingly moronic.

DPad Image

I've added OUYA specific buttons to the dpad. Haven't actually used them, yet, but they're in there!!

Icon Builder

The icon builder's had a couple of neat updates, including new iOS7 Icon sizes, and the ouya specific ludicrous size.

OUYA Stuff Not Attempted

I haven't yet tackled IAP stuff, so you can't sell anything in the OUYA store, yet. Sorry about that!
I'll get that ready for the next Framework update.

Monkey Update Tweaks

Since my last Framework Update, Mark's managed to add Network Stuff into the HTML5 target, so I've tweaked the necessary bits and pieces to enable that.

There's probably been other minor tweaks, but nothing important springs to mind!

That's about it, really. Not too much new stuff, but .. bits!
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