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Amiga'ing Blog
5th March 2022
The new Amiga Mouse USB dongle doesn't seem to be working right.


It doesn't really recognise the mouse in the slightest, and if you hold the mouse up, the little optical sensor is flashing away in ways that it probably shouldn't be.
Not really sure why that is. Could be the mouse, but.. I dunno. Kinda worried something might be awry with the actual mouse port.

On top of that, the Amiga doesn't seem to like the new 4Gb Compact Flash card, preferring my old 128Mb CF instead. I think that might be a Kickstart issue, but it could also be a mis-formatted issue.
I need to hook the CF up to Windows to figure that one out. As much as I've gotten used to MacOS, things like Disk Formatting in certain file formats is still something I'm more comfortable doing on Windows.

My Amiga is using the earliest version of kickstart that A600's can handle, 37.299, which has no IDE support. The later kickstart version has a 2Gb limit on hard drives, before the last revision can handle 4Gb ones.
I'm currently assuming that that 2Gb quirk is "probably" why the CF card isn't being recognised, though some sites seem to suggest otherwise.
Not really sure, if I'm honest.

I then spent a short while trying to get the compact flash to auto-mount when using just a Workbench disk, but that didn't seem to work out very well at all. The lack of mouse becoming increasingly frustrating.

Of course, this is also a case of me not knowing WTF I'm actually doing in the world of Amigas, anymore.
Good grief, there's a lot of stuff to relearn.

Keep going, Jay, you'll get there eventually!!
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