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Things to do in a day... Blog
15th December 2008
A more accurate title would be "Just like Windows Vista, here's a list of things I told you I'd be putting in, but haven't yet bothered to, so will be missing when I release the game.."
Except I'm one person, and have spent four weeks doing this.. Not 100 people working for 4 years...
*sigh* Vista sucks..

1. Achievements, Good, bad, Pwnage, Suckage, any and all.
I just haven't gotten around to adding these yet.
There's a gap on the titlescreen, that's where they go, but they aren't quite there yet!

2. Extra Weapons.
Like it or not, the old weapons are pretty much the current ones!
Although each weapon's had a few tweaks here or there, they're all pretty much as they were..

3. Pause.
FFS, I still haven't put a pause button in. This should really be #1 on the list!!

4. Delete Levels
If you don't like a level, you can remove it from your directory. Nice and simply, the level will vanish, and you won't be bugged by it again.
That is, unless the day's downloadable level IS that level, and then it'll pop right back up again, over and over, until it's filtered from the list...
Still, that's progress for ya!
What I haven't done yet, is allow certain levels to be disabled server side.. So, I can't really kill off levels entirely. Should be easy enough to do, but like the other things in this list, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

There's also an "Updated Edition" thing that I really oughta add before I upload the first proper release.. Releasing without it would only complicate things later on, when folk have all kinds of different versions.

All of the above might yet miraculously appear, but we've got some guys fitting us some new windows tomorrow, so I probably won't get around to popping them in at the last minute.
Hopefully the new windows aren't Vista..

Additionally, I really hate Sorting things! I'm not sure why, but every time I code a sort routine, it never works first time around.. By this point I really should know how to do this, and am always amazed when it doesn't work again!! The Level Sorter is currently stuck in an infinite loop, apparently swapping two levels around, over and over again. Bloody thing.. That needs fixed, and I'm off to go do that now.

Release Tomorrow!
Literally Hours away!!
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