New games every week!
No Plan : GO! Blog
19th January 2023
Haven't a clue what game I'm making, but today's the day to kick things into gear and get something going.


This week's game will need to have a "D.D." title, so words like Destruction, Doom, Disaster and such are currently floating through my head.
.. None of those feel very AGameAWeek'y to me, though, so I might end up heading down a different path.

I'm wondering if I should get ChatGPT involved again, and see what interesting concepts it can come up with, though from the past couple of attempts, the ideas it spits out are FAR too complicated to be coded within a small number of hours!


I released the first SoCoder Newsletter since Xmas, last night.
The new Podcast section takes up the chunk that the YouTube section used to fill up, and as much as I've tried to add other permanent sections, everything else feels kinda temporary right now.
Coming up with ideas for sections isn't the hard part, though. It's trying to fill those sections with a reasonably decent amount of content each week.
Maybe I shouldn't lock myself down to specifics, and just let the newsletter flow how it wants to?

"Thought bubble. Surreal acrylic art." by #DiffusionBee
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Daily Blog , Planning
New games every week!
Site credits : If you can see it, Jayenkai did it.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 4

Blog - No Plan : GO! - AGameAWeek