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AGameABandoned Blog
23rd January 2023
Nah, that game isn't working.
*Game Scrapped*


If you've been following, this week, you might've noticed that I was doing an awful lot of procrastinating, and not a lot of game-dev.
This culminated in me watching about 10 episodes of Undercover Boss, last night, where I constantly bickered with the TV about the footage not being realistic in the slightest, with cameras often being in places where they definitely wouldn't have been if the footage were "As-Live", so obviously 85% of the show is staged.
.. In practically every single episode.


Daemon Dreamer

This is the game I've been working on for most of the week.
Clouds, a starfield under the clouds (which makes no sense!) and a little character that can spawn daemons that generate more clouds.

I think the basic concept works well enough, but my control scheme was all kinds of wonky, which lead to the gameplay not feeling good, and the overall thing fell apart thereafter.

Proper Sprites probably would've helped fill in the feeling of the game, but with temporary sprites all over the place, I couldn't find the right vibes, and never really fell in love with it.
It was a game that I was able to "play" but that I didn't very much enjoy playing in the slightest.

I abandoned the game about halfway through yesterday, at which point I started a quick GotoJSE game.

Disc Direction

So I started a different game.
This time, a spinning disc atop a grid.
The disc smashes through the bricks, revealing the plain background behind, and then..

This game, too, has been abandoned.
Honestly, it looks way too much like several hundred other games that I've made.
It's no loss.

You can See/play with the results over at SoCoder, here.
Maybe someone might do something with it?
Or perhaps it'll lay abandoned forever.
Who knows!!?

Digital Dodgem

And lastly, this, which feels very much like an Advent Calendar kind of mini game, right now.
I've already missed Week Four, so am going to try my best to make this into a "Gamey" game in the next few hours, and get it all uploaded.
But no guarantees.
I might also fall out of love with this one, at some point, today.

Wish me luck!!!
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Daily Blog , Abandoned
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